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Congratulations Graduates

From the President's Desk...

The weather has quickly warmed up, and we’re rapidly moving through May.  As a result, graduation season is now upon us.

Many of us have recently been invited to attend a graduation ceremony or a party commemorating the occasion.  Whether it be from preschool, high school, college, or even perhaps medical school, graduation represents not only the recognition of attaining a milestone, but also the opportunity to look ahead toward the next mountain to climb.

The truth is that we’re all on our way to graduating from something.  It could be academic in nature, but it doesn’t have to be.  Perhaps you’re getting married soon, which is graduation from being single and the beginning of a new, shared life with someone else.  Maybe it’s your retirement, which is graduation from the workforce with new opportunities to volunteer, travel, relax, and spend time with the grandkids.  No matter what the achievement, the point is that there is always something else ready to provide us with the next challenge, and we should commemorate the occasion by embracing the completion of one journey and the start of another. 

Congratulations to all of the new graduates – academic or otherwise – and best wishes in your next adventure in life.  As always, keep us at WCF in mind, as it’s our privilege to assist you, no matter where you are on the roadmap of life. 

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