External Transfers with TransferNow®

Account-to-Account Transfers Made Easy

The financial lives of most consumers are complex and spread across multiple financial institutions. TransferNow® offers a free, easy, fast and secure digital funds transfer service that lets WCF customers move money from accounts at other financial institutions to their accounts at WCF Financial Bank.

Flexible Options

The account-to-account transfer capabilities of TransferNow® allow our accountholders to transfer funds into and out of checking, savings, brokerage and money market accounts between different financial institutions. TransferNow® gives accountholders multiple transfer options so they can execute simple one-time transfers, recurring transfers or future-dated transfers to meet specific and ongoing needs. TransferNow® also allows accountholders to transfer money from external accounts toward monthly payments in their loan accounts at WCF.

An Expansive and Secure Network

WCF facilitates these transactions through the ACH and NOW® from Fiserv.  This enables you to take advantage of a unified, secure, and easy-to-use account-to-account transfer experience.  

How to Enroll in TransferNow®

  1. You must set up an Online Banking account before you can use TransferNow®. 
  2. Log into WCF Online Banking.  While TransferNow® works in both Online Banking and Mobile Banking, you must enroll in TransferNow® through Online Banking. 
  3. Select Transfer in the main menu.  
  4. Click on the Launch External Transfer button. 
  5. Choose "Add a New Account".
  6. Follow the prompts to add your new account.
  7. Repeat for all the accounts you would like to set up.  


TransferNow Video Tutorial

video screenshot
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